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If I don't have realtime online credit card processing can I use ESD?
Electronic software download (ESD) must be used with a real-time processor.
Since ESD will automatically give your customer the ability to download the product, we must be able to verify payment. Otherwise, you risk giving the product to a customer that refuses to provide you with proper payment information.
If you set up the cart to use PayPal as a real-time processor, in other words you have set to PayPal + Show PayPal Icon (Setup Instructions), and the "Type of Order Transaction Allowed" is By Credit Card with Real-Time Processing (OnlineOrder), then you can sell ESD items.
If you allow PayPal payments for ESD items you will need to set the Order Status to a status other than "unknown" or "VOID" before your customer will be able to download the ESD item. It is strongly recommended that you verify that payment has been completed before updating the status. |
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